Anna Kondas Hubby made a big Mistake. He said Lesbians shouldnt marrie and spoke bad about Lesbians. But many of Annas Wrestlinggirls in her Female Fightclub Berlin are Lesbians. Red Devil for Example. Anna was really pissed about Hubbys talk and so he deserved a new Lesson. Real Friendship exist only between Women. Anna took Hubby to the Training with Red Devil to beat him up. To show him who is the Boss. 2 Strong Women have beaten him up one after one and together. Pummeld. His Bones always at the breaking Points. Headscissors, Bodyscissors, Armbars, Facesits... He begged, he cried... what h...
Anna Kondas Hubby made a big Mistake. He said Lesbians shouldnt marrie and spoke bad about Lesbians. But many of Annas Wrestlinggirls in her Female Fightclub Berlin are Lesbians. Red Devil for Example. Anna was really pissed about Hubbys talk and so he deserved a new Lesson. Real Friendship exist only between Women. Anna took Hubby to the Training with Red Devil to beat him up. To show him who is the Boss. 2 Strong Women have beaten him up one after one and together. Pummeld. His Bones always at the breaking Points. Headscissors, Bodyscissors, Armbars, Facesits... He begged, he cried... what h...