CLIP REQUEST: Hello Princess, I would love to see a Pesto Cafe Mega Stuffing video! Basically you should order a huge variety of different foods from Pesto Cafe and just sit and eat as much as you can in exactly 20 minutes. You should not eat anything all day so you are hungry, then you are ready to indulge anything you like maybe Pizza, burger, chips, pie, deserts (anything it's your choice!) Wear only a bra and panties whilst you eat please. It is important that you eat as much as possible so take your time and enjoy yourself, after you have finished all that you can eat and the time is up I...
CLIP REQUEST: Hello Princess, I would love to see a Pesto Cafe Mega Stuffing video! Basically you should order a huge variety of different foods from Pesto Cafe and just sit and eat as much as you can in exactly 20 minutes. You should not eat anything all day so you are hungry, then you are ready to indulge anything you like maybe Pizza, burger, chips, pie, deserts (anything it's your choice!) Wear only a bra and panties whilst you eat please. It is important that you eat as much as possible so take your time and enjoy yourself, after you have finished all that you can eat and the time is up I...