Tough as nails SA Giovanna has been put through rigorous training for just such an eventuality as this. She's been apprehended by the organization she was sent to infiltrate and is now being interrogated. She is not afraid. Her training included the full uses of her body and she is not modest or afraid of . And yet...this seemingly civilized captor uses methods that soon have her broken and telling all her secrets. In this clip he is still using her to sate his own needs.
Tough as nails SA Giovanna has been put through rigorous training for just such an eventuality as this. She's been apprehended by the organization she was sent to infiltrate and is now being interrogated. She is not afraid. Her training included the full uses of her body and she is not modest or afraid of . And yet...this seemingly civilized captor uses methods that soon have her broken and telling all her secrets. In this clip he is still using her to sate his own needs.