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We are in a longterm relationship and have recently opened up. I'm so excited to embark on this journey with you and I promise that I won't get jealous. I just have one non-negotiable...
As a Woman in a relationship with a man, its my responsibility to make sure you’re not out in the world doing harm. I need to ensure that you’re on your best behavior and eliminate any risk of disappointing the Woman you go out with.
So, you’re free to date whomever you want, as long as you wear a chastity cage. I want you to be fully focused on Her pleasure - forget about your dick, becau...
We are in a longterm relationship and have recently opened up. I'm so excited to embark on this journey with you and I promise that I won't get jealous. I just have one non-negotiable...
As a Woman in a relationship with a man, its my responsibility to make sure you’re not out in the world doing harm. I need to ensure that you’re on your best behavior and eliminate any risk of disappointing the Woman you go out with.
So, you’re free to date whomever you want, as long as you wear a chastity cage. I want you to be fully focused on Her pleasure - forget about your dick, becau...
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