I was relaxing at my place when in walks a pissed off young lady that just happens to be my niece. I was casting for a girl to do a bj in a movie and she thought she would be just the right girl for the job. Well, you cant just send someone out to do a job taking their word for it that they can do it so I had to do a little checking. This probably wont come as a surprise to you but yes, she could do a terrific bj. The problem was that that part changed to a more challenging role and I really didnt think she would be willing to do it, shes still a precious even though I know shes all grown up a...
I was relaxing at my place when in walks a pissed off young lady that just happens to be my niece. I was casting for a girl to do a bj in a movie and she thought she would be just the right girl for the job. Well, you cant just send someone out to do a job taking their word for it that they can do it so I had to do a little checking. This probably wont come as a surprise to you but yes, she could do a terrific bj. The problem was that that part changed to a more challenging role and I really didnt think she would be willing to do it, shes still a precious even though I know shes all grown up a...