Guysha wins against Rubie Mounds boxing
My Rating:
Category: Female Boxing
Runtime: 16 minutes
Date Added: 9/13/2024


in this video we have Guysha going against the busty Rubie Mounds. in this video, Guysha is sick and tired of being everyone's bitch and turns the tables onto Rubie Mounds. Rubie who normally is the aggressor, is getting peppered, laced and hammered with jabs, hooks, knockdowns and some good measure of tit punching. after beating Rubie's ass (and breasts), Guysha claims her prize on some long-awaited payback, hand slapping those over-sized punching bags on her chest. then Guysha straddles Rubie Mounds so she can grind and dry hump her defeated rival, pressing herself on the loser Rubie. fin...

Guysha wins against Rubie Mounds boxing

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