You thought you had a good thing going. She seemed like she likes you, and led you on... but of course the first hot stud that comes along with a nice dick, Ashley dumps you and wants him. She is a bitch about it too... sending you THIS video telling you she is breaking up and sucking her new guys dick while she tells you.... totally humiliating you! After all, he does have a much nicer manlier cock than you. Of course she would want him, it's just kind of mean and bratty to send a video like this to someone telling them you're breaking up!
You thought you had a good thing going. She seemed like she likes you, and led you on... but of course the first hot stud that comes along with a nice dick, Ashley dumps you and wants him. She is a bitch about it too... sending you THIS video telling you she is breaking up and sucking her new guys dick while she tells you.... totally humiliating you! After all, he does have a much nicer manlier cock than you. Of course she would want him, it's just kind of mean and bratty to send a video like this to someone telling them you're breaking up!