5 mini scenes of Ashley being VERY sexy in her black Wolford pantyhose acting out a fight and losing.... struggling to stay up but falling each time and going in defeat with her sexy legs and feet showing! Ashley is cute, sexy, girl next door, and super model all at the same time. You will love her in pantyhose and going after losing a struggle against the invisible bullet! *** INCLUDES pieces of a demo (rough version) that will be on Ashley's new vocal album as part of the sound track.
5 mini scenes of Ashley being VERY sexy in her black Wolford pantyhose acting out a fight and losing.... struggling to stay up but falling each time and going in defeat with her sexy legs and feet showing! Ashley is cute, sexy, girl next door, and super model all at the same time. You will love her in pantyhose and going after losing a struggle against the invisible bullet! *** INCLUDES pieces of a demo (rough version) that will be on Ashley's new vocal album as part of the sound track.