Custom Clip: I have agreed to go on a date with you, and you propose that I come to your place. Thinking I might get some action, I accept your offer. However, its not the kind of action I had in mind, as you have other plans. After some small talk, you mention how you notice that I cant seem to take my eyes off your bare lips. You reach into your bag and begin to apply your lipstick. You then take out your hand mirror and purse your lips, giving me big long pouts in between your application. Once you finish touching up your lips, you come clean and say you have no intention to have sex with m...
Custom Clip: I have agreed to go on a date with you, and you propose that I come to your place. Thinking I might get some action, I accept your offer. However, its not the kind of action I had in mind, as you have other plans. After some small talk, you mention how you notice that I cant seem to take my eyes off your bare lips. You reach into your bag and begin to apply your lipstick. You then take out your hand mirror and purse your lips, giving me big long pouts in between your application. Once you finish touching up your lips, you come clean and say you have no intention to have sex with m...