This session is designed to make you feel completely powerless to resist her commands.
This is a true brainwashing video that takes you so much deeper into a state of pure devotion and obedience that you've never experienced before.
How much control can a stage take from you? Sophia Wharton is an innocent looking,
some what air headed, giggly blonde girl. Many people over look her national merit award in cognitive neurosciences. Today you walked into this small town parlor, wearing your expensive Armani suit and pulling in with your red Ferrari. You are riding high in confidence after landing a major real estate deal.
Stumbling into this after dinner magic show, you look at Sophia and instantly dismiss her ability. Turns out Sophia have a talent in spotting the highly suggestible subjects in her audience. "Any volunteers?"
She points her finger at you. How much control would you give up? Everything is on the line. Everything is fair game to Sophia.
Note: The video was filmed in New York City on an unusually heavy traffic day. There are a lot of traffic noise in the background. Please be advise on the sound quality may not be the highest of standards.
(spoiler alert)
Today is a big day, you've closed the biggest business deal in your company's history, and you want to celebrate. Sure, you are away from home, but you can still enjoy while traveling. When you walked into a pup for a drink, you noticed a poster outside, it reads "Madame Sophia; Stage Mentalist ". It is features a photo a blonde girl holding a pocket watch, staring back at you intensely. Curious yet skeptical, you stumbled into this parlor just to check it out. Little did you that your life will be changed forever.
When you see a blonde girl no more than 21 years old stumbled onto stage in a magician tuxedo, you thought it would be one of those cliche comedy show. When you points to you and asked to volunteer, you didn't give it a second thought. "What the harm in playing along?".
Before long, you find yourself saying "Yes Madam Sophia", as you hear the volunteers around repeating the same mantra in a monotonous voice, alarm bells sounds in your head. But it is already too late, you've agreed to let Madame Sophia you, and as soon as you find yourself staring at her pocket watch, you find yourself drifting off into trance, despite your attempt to resist her droning voice in the last moment.
Madame Sophia then takes control, giving many body commands and post mesmerizing suggestions, at the
same time deepening her hold over you. Words like "Obey" drifted in and out of your conscious mind. You do not have any control over your body, Madam Sophia controls your every move.
After what seems like hours of brainwashing and mental conditioning, you vaguely realize you are some kind of mindless zombie. Everytime you try to put a thought together, it was immediately whisked away by Sophia's voice. You were turned into all kinds of, and you vaguely realize the audience were laughing at you, but you don't care, Sophia is controlling you.
(even more spoilers. Stop reading if you are offended by evil financial domination suggestions)
At one point, Madam Sophia takes special notice your flashy suit, your expensive watch, and your designer shoes. She puts everyone on stage to rest and zoned into you. She turns your brain off by making you a mindless zombie, then right there on stage, made you answer all her questions truthfully, at first it was a few innocent question, like do you find her pretty, then it turn really personal. You have no choice but to answer her questions truthfully, right there in front of a room full of strangers. She then turns her questions on your finances. Right there and then, you have to tell a some one who is in total control you how much money you have, where you keep it, how she can get it...
Even after you to confess all your darkest secrets, Madam Sophia is keen on excreting more control over you. Madam Sophia explains that the show is about how much control she can take from a complete stranger, while making you roll over like a puppy is funny, for her, it wasn't real control. Real control over a flashy business like you, is take control of your money. She is going to take every thing away from you, and she is about to do it front of a room full of strangers.
Step by step, she makes you give her your valuables, your newest iPhone, your Rolex, your car keys, then she made you forget ever owning it. To demonstrate even more control. Madam Sophia made you open your wallet, and give her all your cash. When that is is not enough, she made you give her your credit cards, then made you forget these cards. She then gives you a post mesmerize suggestion, when the bills arrives, you will just sign it and forget about it. Seeing how much control you are giving up.
Madam Sophia takes it one step further, she made you give her your Swiss bank account number and access code, then made you forget ever having that account. Now this young lady have full control of your money.
But Madam Sophia is not done yet. Before the show is over, Madam Sophia would have fleece you of your fortune, have full control over your life, and turn you into her zombie drone. Just think, a hour ago, you were this multi millionaire corporate executive. You have the entire world on your finger tips, but by one turn of card, you walked into this female stage mentalist show. Now you have given up all control, your mind is filled up with post mesmerize suggestion, ready to be triggered into obeying everything this tells you to do.
This session is about how much control would you give up to a complete stranger, a female stage Mentalist you've never met before in a town you've never been before. It is a very powerful financial domination session, not the type of findomme where a lady in leather shouts slogans at you, but the very carefully considered, playfully tones, softly spoken type of psychological play, delivered in a series of post mesmerize suggestions, amnesia play and advanced NLP mind games.