Summer special! Price goes back to 39.99 tomorrow!
**Trance with benefit series.** Role playing trance with beneficial and therapeutic suggestion to make you a better person. A gentle approach to Femdom mind control, with the right amount of "you must obey me", "obeying all my command","do whatever I tell you to do" and an controlling twist, ending with suggestion that encourage you be a better person. Along with suggestions that helps you feel more focus at work, more confident, go work out, feel more relax... etc, Script written by professional stage mesmerist and ph.d level cogn...
Summer special! Price goes back to 39.99 tomorrow!
**Trance with benefit series.** Role playing trance with beneficial and therapeutic suggestion to make you a better person. A gentle approach to Femdom mind control, with the right amount of "you must obey me", "obeying all my command","do whatever I tell you to do" and an controlling twist, ending with suggestion that encourage you be a better person. Along with suggestions that helps you feel more focus at work, more confident, go work out, feel more relax... etc, Script written by professional stage mesmerist and ph.d level cognitive neuroscientist It has no humiliation and no hard domination. All spoken in gentle voice, never harsh or raising her voice. In this mesmerizing session, Maryann Li is your real estate agent. She is a gorgeous, confident asian realtor you see pictures all over town, with an out going, sweet heart personality. You saw her business card all over town, and you even saw her pictures on bus stop and train stations. You decide to look her up, while you are not quite sure if you want to commit to a property yet. Maryann took the time to show you a few properties, after a long day of business, you realize she’s been doing most of the talking, while you subconscious mind did all the listening. When you got back to her office, Maryann notice how stressed out you seems, she knows exactly what would make you feel better, she pulls out of pocket watch, and ask you look at it as she swings it back and forth. As you listen to the sound to her voice, you became tired, tired, and soon, you drift into a deep trance state. Maryann has a way to success, she studied trance science in Thailand and Japan. This is how she was able make anyone buy anything she commands. Maryann factionaize your trance state by waking up and putting you under her spell, each time you go into trance, you go deeper under her control. Maryann makes you repeat obedient mantra over and over again, and make you pledge loyalty to her. She makes you trust her to make all financial and money decision for you. She left you with a number of post triggers, including a special phrase to make you go back under her tired control whenever she wants. She also make you crave her trance and tired spell, and make you obsessed with her beauty. All this happening in her real estate office. At the end, under her power of suggestion over you, she makes you sign an exclusive agreement, she also leave a post mesmerize trigger, you will now sign whatever paper she put in front of you. You will not question, you will just obey. You are now your realtor’s financial slave. All this time, Maryann leave you many therapeutic and beneficial suggestions, like more confident, better with money, perform better at work. Mary ann wants a financial slave who is successful, that way you can be her money slave for years to come. Perfect for trance enthusiast hypnotfetishist who enjoys the realism of realtor fantasy with a "what if" relationship sort of way