#UncandidlyCandid BlantantFootPerving Origins; Sneaky Roommate Sofa Soles - Pixel
My Rating:
Category: Foot Fetish
Runtime: 6 minutes
Date Added: 2/28/2023


Model: Pixel (Size 7.5) [Log Date: 2013-01-10]

Deciding to hit reset on the Pixel saga.

This one goes way way back to what I believe is, or rather what remains of, my very first time ever capturing my dainty little high arched punkergirl pal, Pixel, on candid cam; definitely before any of the first shoots. Come to think of it...this must also be before we officially became roommates.

Initially, we met via mutual friends at a random house/slumber party couple years back. At the time I was in the young ATOT college days working on my second associates, rooming off campu...

#UncandidlyCandid BlantantFootPerving Origins; Sneaky Roommate Sofa Soles - Pixel

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