Pandora, Gary's guardian, receives a disturbing call from Gary's teacher. Instead of doing his classwork, Gary has been daydreaming about his teacher..peeking up her skirt, looking down her blouse, and other disturbing activities.Pandora decides Gary's grades are suffering due to his pent up sexual frustration, so she gives him a lesson in masturbation! She hopes this will help him get all the fantasizing out of his system so he can focus on his schoolwork! (POV)
Pandora, Gary's guardian, receives a disturbing call from Gary's teacher. Instead of doing his classwork, Gary has been daydreaming about his teacher..peeking up her skirt, looking down her blouse, and other disturbing activities.Pandora decides Gary's grades are suffering due to his pent up sexual frustration, so she gives him a lesson in masturbation! She hopes this will help him get all the fantasizing out of his system so he can focus on his schoolwork! (POV)