Oh you're awake! Good! Kiss kiss kiss! Oh you are SO cute! I could just gobble you right up! Oh you taste so good! But let me not get ahead of myself. Hello there little one. Do you remember me? I came and picked you up from the Tiny Pet Store. Oh and I can tell you're going to be the BEST little pet! From the way you are shivering and shaking and blushing oh you're so cute. Beautifully blushing so nice and red! You're going to be a good little pet and serve your Mistress, aren't you? Of course you are. I can tell you're a good little tiny. You're going to be nice and obedient. Yes you are....
Oh you're awake! Good! Kiss kiss kiss! Oh you are SO cute! I could just gobble you right up! Oh you taste so good! But let me not get ahead of myself. Hello there little one. Do you remember me? I came and picked you up from the Tiny Pet Store. Oh and I can tell you're going to be the BEST little pet! From the way you are shivering and shaking and blushing oh you're so cute. Beautifully blushing so nice and red! You're going to be a good little pet and serve your Mistress, aren't you? Of course you are. I can tell you're a good little tiny. You're going to be nice and obedient. Yes you are. I'll set you down there for a minute so you can catch your breath from all the excitement. I have your first task for you my little pet. Here, kiss my feet. Lick them! Don't be shy. Don't worry I'm not going to step on you...not today anyway. There you go kiss my feet. It's got to be a funny little texture with the fishnets, but you're doing a great job just licking and kissing and worshiping my feet. Suck on my toes while I'm wiggling them in front of you. That's a good little pet. A very good little pet. Good job little one, here's your reward for you, more kisses! You're SO cute when you blush and turn bright red like that, it is like your whole body is red. You wanna know what your next task will be? You're gonna get inside my hole. You're going to go inside all of my holes today. You have to get covered in all my juices to make you even more delicious before I swallow you. Oh but don't you worry little one, I promise you it is 100% safe to be shoved into any of my holes, even swallowing you down into my belly. Perfectly safe, you have to trust me I would never want any harm to come to my little pet. I promise I'll bring you right back up once you're in my belly...well after you've had a little fun down there, once we've both had a little fun. I'll bring you up I promise. I wouldn't want to harm my beautiful new pet on its first day. As long as you prove useful to me I'll never get rid of you. So you're going to be a good little pet aren't you, and do just what I say? Mmm I can almost taste you already. You're going to be so good covered in my juices. Are you ready to be a good little pet? It is making me so wet just thinking about what a good little pet you are, how tasty you're going to be. Mmm. That's a good little pet. That feels so good. Do you like feeling all my ridges? You feel my pussy squeezing around you? I dip your whole body in and out of me. Mmmmm. Good little tiny. Now it is time for you to enter my other tight little hole. I just gotta get it ready for you since it is such a tight little hole. You watch me finger my wet little asshole, watching the moist mucous dripping out of my hole before I shove your whole body inside of my asshole. My red insides enveloping you completely. I pull you out to marvel at my asshole some more before pushing you back inside again. Oohhh ohhhh. I remove you and give you a taste. You're doing such a good job filling all my holes with your body. It feels so good and you taste so good now covered in my pussy and ass juices. Now for the final hole! Ahh ahhhhh! Don't be frightened I promise I'll bring you right back up my pet. I want to be able to play with you every day. You keep doing a good job and I'll have no reason to...digest you. I play with the saliva in my mouth a bit and blow some bubbles to play with you, running my tongue across my teeth. Alright you've been a very good pet so far, and now it's time for the final test for today. Oh it must be so intimidating mm but here kiss my uvula. That feels so good. You're such a good little pet, I bet you liked that too. I loved touching you with my uvula. Now it is time to swallow you as you see my epiglottis and slide down my throat into my belly. Mmm you feel good in my belly. Alright little pet here's what I want you to do. I want you to play with yourself in my belly. How does that feel with me massaging my belly and wiggling it all around? Alright pet you better touch yourself while I touch myself with my vibrator. You feel so good in my belly. You're such a good little pet. Mmm and you tasted so good covered in me. Oh that's it. I can just picture your blushing little face covered in my stomach juices. I hope you're being careful in there. Just the thought of you getting off inside my belly is SO arousing. My belly bounces up and down from you moving around while we mutually masturbate. Mmm I love feeling you in my belly. My belly undulates as I finally climax. That's a good little pet. Well a promise is a promise. Time to bring you back up now. I bring you up from my stomach and cough you out of my throat. There you go pet. Kiss kiss kiss. See I promised you you'd be safe! You poor thing. That was a lot for one day wasn't it. Here I'm gonna set you down and tuck you all in under the covers. Muah muah muah! There now you have a good night's rest little one. You might have another long day tomorrow. I hope you had as much fun as I did little pet. Good night sweetie, you've earned your rest.