I start my licking my lips and teeth seductively. You know what I want to do more than anything right now? Do you? Could you maybe guess? Ahhhh as I breathe on you and show off my mouth. Something I've been craving to do all day long. I want to swallow you. I want to swallow you so bad. There's nothing more I've ever wanted to do. The craving is incredible and, but one mustn't rush these things. No. I have to savor you, though it is so hard for me to maintain control over my insatiable appetite, for you, in particular. So it is time for a little foreplay first. I've almost got to myself to ...
I start my licking my lips and teeth seductively. You know what I want to do more than anything right now? Do you? Could you maybe guess? Ahhhh as I breathe on you and show off my mouth. Something I've been craving to do all day long. I want to swallow you. I want to swallow you so bad. There's nothing more I've ever wanted to do. The craving is incredible and, but one mustn't rush these things. No. I have to savor you, though it is so hard for me to maintain control over my insatiable appetite, for you, in particular. So it is time for a little foreplay first. I've almost got to myself to do it or you'd already be in my belly by now. Ahhhhh as I flick my uvula at you tauntingly. So before I swallow you down my gullet I'll have some fun playing with these gummies and you can watch me gulp each one down, like so, and know that it's only a matter of minutes before you replace the gummy in my tummy. I balance a gummy in the back of my throat and you watch it bob up and down briefly before it disappears. Mmm they go down so easy and smooth. I start to play with the saliva in my mouth watching it fall on the gummy and form bubbles in the back of my throat. Mmm I'm drooling, my mouth is drooling. I'm getting SO wet for you. I'm so excited. Hear nice big gulps from me as I swallow another gummy down my throat. So excited to swallow you down I can't help but have my mouth get so nice and wet for you. Do you like imagining that you're the gummy? Soon you won't even have to imagine anymore. It'll be you. Another gummy lingers briefly in the back of my throat before you watch the back of my tongue usher another gummy to its acid grave. I let out a little burp after swallowing another. How about a little gummy ménage à trois? Two gummies and me. What a treat for them to experience this together. They both slide down one immediately after the other as I let out another cute burp. Now to get a closer look for the last few as I place you inside of my mouth. You can see the gummy resting in the back of my throat before it vanishes. Almost time. See one gummy perched on my epiglottis momentarily before it too disappears down my throat. Are you curious to see for yourself where all those gummies end up? I begin to kiss and lick you. Ohh you're so sweet. Better than any sugary gummy. You're such a sweetheart. Mmm I love licking you. I love sucking you. But most of all I love swallowing you. And with that you take the plunge down my throat just as easily as all the gummies before you. Ahhh I lick my lips and teeth just as I did in the beginning. So satisfying to fill my craving for you, to be in my mouth and down my throat and in my belly. Mmm I just want more but I'm satisfied with you...for now.