(based on a true story ha :-P ) I'm so sick and tired of you eating all of my goddamn oreos. It has been driving me absolutely crazy. I just want to have a delicious snack before bed. A couple oreos and a glass of milk and every time I go they are all gone. Look I have no problem with us sharing the oreos, but every time I go to grab one you've eaten an entire sleeve and then the next time they are all gone. We go to the grocery store and get oreos and you've eaten an entire package within like two days. Now I know I'm the one with the voracious appetite in the household, or at least I'm su...
(based on a true story ha :-P ) I'm so sick and tired of you eating all of my goddamn oreos. It has been driving me absolutely crazy. I just want to have a delicious snack before bed. A couple oreos and a glass of milk and every time I go they are all gone. Look I have no problem with us sharing the oreos, but every time I go to grab one you've eaten an entire sleeve and then the next time they are all gone. We go to the grocery store and get oreos and you've eaten an entire package within like two days. Now I know I'm the one with the voracious appetite in the household, or at least I'm supposed to be. You're not supposed to be the fatass here eating all the fucking oreos. I know you'd think that I'd be the one chomping down sleeves of oreos, but I like to be reasonable when sharing food in the household. I also like to savor them and make them last because I don't buy mountains and mountains of oreos. I just buy one package and you'd think that could last till the next grocery trip a week later, but apparently not. I've even tried buying you your own pack and one for me, but somehow that just seems to make you eat them more because you have zero self control. And again that's supposed to be ME and not you. I've talked to you about this again and again and whatever it is FINE, but what I really cannot stand is that I bought you your own family sized pack of oreos and here eat all of those if you want and I'm going to put these over here cause I want to make oreo balls out of them. I reassured you that yes it takes a whole pack to make those oreo balls with the cream cheese that I wanted to make and you would have gotten to eat those and they're delicious. Imagine my surprise when I go to make them and you've eaten an entire sleeve of them. An entire sleeve of my oreos to make oreo balls so I think they ended up a lot more cream cheesy which isn't the worst thing, but way less oreo balls than I wanted to make. I have been looking forward to them since Christmas when I didn't get to have any and I decided to make some myself, but you go and fucking eat my oreos set aside specifically for that. I've let this go on long enough. I've been patient. Way more patient than I should be, because you're my boyfriend and I thought that I loved you, but you've eaten way too many oreos for me to love you anymore. There comes a point when I just can't take it anymore and you need to be punished. You think you're better than all the rest of my little fans on the internet? You think I won't swallow you just because you're my boyfriend? Well you've got another thing coming. I've got no problem shrinking you down, see? No problem at all whatsoever. Now you're no better than any of my other tiny followers on tumblr. This has been a long time coming. This relationship is officially over and I'd like to pretend that there was something else besides the oreos causing all of this, but that's about it. Your fucking fatass eating all my fucking oreos all the time. So now I'm kinda glad you plumped up a bit eating all those oreos, even though I shrunk you down I still see your pudgy belly. You're gonna fill me up nice and good in your little shrunken down form. Yes you are. Then you know what I'm going to do? After I swallow you down into my belly to be digested I'm going to give you a little treat that you don't deserve. I'm going to eat some of the fucking oreo balls that I made, so that they fall on top of you and you're covered in oreo chunks and maybe that'll be your final last meal. My already chewed oreo balls falling on you. How humiliating. I'm so excited. I've waited a long time for this. I've had this punishment planned out for a loooonnnggg time. It's about time you finally get what you deserve. You should know better than to take food from a vore goddess. If only you'd respected my talents before. Making fun of all those vorish freaks. Well you're gonna see what all the fuss is about now. Maybe now you see why everyone else respects me, trembles before me, and worships the very ground I walk on. Your pleading is a little too little too late. You're going to go in my throat now. Good riddance. *gulp* Ahhhh. Not a bad treat, fatty. But now for what I really enjoy. I've been saving these just for your punishment. Revenge tastes SO sweet. I love sending all that black sludge down there to fall on top of you. So dirty and disgusting. Hope you're enjoying your final time inside of me. Bet you're wishing it was my pussy. Hope you finally learned your lesson not to take food from vore goddesses or you just might become their food. Mmm can't have oreos without milk. I gulp down the milk and let out a nice burp. Ahhh. So very very satisfying. Did you enjoy your final bit of oreos? I hope not too much. For a tiny you filled me up pretty big. Your sacrifice will be well worth it to add to this belly. Not exactly breaking up with you as I'm just putting you in your rightful place, part of me, forever. I wonder what all my fans will say when they see how much you've added to my belly and when they know that I'm available. Hopefully my next boyfriend will know not to eat my oreos or they'll suffer the same fate. You'll be the cautionary tale for all of them, though of course many are longing to be in your position. So really just enjoy it. Make the most of your punishment cause this is where you're going to be forever. Feel special. It is a lucky treat. It feels so good to rub and play with my belly. I love my belly gurgling from you. It always ends up the same. Another boyfriend, another meal, but I'm not complaining hahaha.