Alena Amazon Toe Grab
My Rating:
Studio: Alena Love
Category: Amazons
Runtime: 5 minutes
Date Added: 10/3/2018



So for the story/script, I kind of like surprises lol. Jack and the Beanstalk (with a giantess/no giant) has always been a turn on for me. Could you adapt that? Something along the lines where the giantess searches for the small man in her home, fe fi fo fum, etc. MOST IMPORTANTLY, when you, the giantess, finds him I want you to grab her between your big and second toes (her right side up and around her torso/waist). Once you got him wiggle your toes, walk around with him, have fun with him. You could step on him 1 or 2 times, but keep it to a toe grab as much as you c...
Alena Amazon Toe Grab

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