You play the role of a freindly teacher, your students however aren't so nice, they have come to call you by nicknames like, "grumble gut" due to the loud noise your belly makes when Hungry or even full, some of them also call you "skunk" due to the bad gassy belly you usually get after eating. But you don't mind you take these labels as badges of honour, and for the end of term you are milling over a sneaky revenge to get back at those
The clip starts with you in bed and in pajamas (PJ), as your thinking, a loud rumble sh...
You play the role of a freindly teacher, your students however aren't so nice, they have come to call you by nicknames like, "grumble gut" due to the loud noise your belly makes when Hungry or even full, some of them also call you "skunk" due to the bad gassy belly you usually get after eating. But you don't mind you take these labels as badges of honour, and for the end of term you are milling over a sneaky revenge to get back at those
The clip starts with you in bed and in pajamas (PJ), as your thinking, a loud rumble shakes your concentration and you pull back the sheets and lift/open your PJ top, you comment on the loudness and virosity of your belly and how it's almost like a monster Dwells within it.
Eventually a idea clicks and you choose the best revenge against those mean is to stink bomb them.
Not just with a regular stink bomb, but with a concoction you have brewed and stewed and grown within your belly. You quickly get to work, putting together the most horrific things to produce a brew that will knock them into next week.
Once the strange thick porarage like substance is done you look at it contemplating your options, is it really a good idea? A loud monstrous sound from your belly suggests it is and you stuff it all away inside you.
The reaction is slow but builds quickly. Yours belly roars with noise as your PJ top, tightens, but your impressed by the results, you feel full and ready to blow but theirs Still a give, you press down and hear the noise but also the brewing of your revenge
In a moment of pure random thought you choose to see if you can find more stuff to build the reaction, this leads to an accident were you squish your whole belly against something (the wall, door, furniture, floor) this only last a minute and you quickly regain posture. You check your belly and intially all seems fine.
The camera start at your face and a scene occurs like this:
"Ok everything seems fine... I guess I can..."*belly Rumble*
You look down and the camera pans to follow, it stops at your belly which is jostling and making loud noise.
You place both hands on your belly in a vein attempt to stop it.
"I can't stop it... I think something monstrous is coming out of me"
The rest of clip follows a sense of you struggling with the brew inside you, as it attempts for a early release, and in the end you fail, but note your gassy mixture is quite potent, and you go off to prepare a new one for dinner time tomorrow.
As always I hope you find this idea interesting, I don't really have any specific, I only ask you wear some pajamas and like last time be chatty and descriptive, specially when talking about your belly.
Filmed in 4k encoded to 1080p