Custom*(Mix of POV and growth)(2 growth sequences and 1 shrink sequence)
Start the video off with Alexis already shorter by 1 foot
Alexis clothing: Prop glasses, any type of shirt with a skirt and converse shoes. Also could she have her hair in a ponytail to complete the nerdy look?
And after the first growth sequence, she lets her hair down. As for the Converse, I'm fine with a cheap knock off pair, if you can find one.
Synopsis: Alexis is a scientist who has created a beautification serum in order to make herself look more attractive as she's always been a n...
Custom*(Mix of POV and growth)(2 growth sequences and 1 shrink sequence)
Start the video off with Alexis already shorter by 1 foot
Alexis clothing: Prop glasses, any type of shirt with a skirt and converse shoes. Also could she have her hair in a ponytail to complete the nerdy look?
And after the first growth sequence, she lets her hair down. As for the Converse, I'm fine with a cheap knock off pair, if you can find one.
Synopsis: Alexis is a scientist who has created a beautification serum in order to make herself look more attractive as she's always been a nerdy looking girl. The formula works, it causes growth spurts and breast expansion as well and gives her the ability to alter other people's heights as well.
Alexis, who is my next door neighbor, invites me over to her house to show me her beautification serum she has developed. I always made fun of her for being such a nerd and shorter than me so she's using this as an opportunity for revenge.
As soon I enter Alexis's house, she's already staring at me with a devious look on her face. I don't like where this is going. "You know why you're here right"? "I got tired of you making fun of me for being a nerd and short all the damn time". She then reveals to me that she's a scientist who has created a beautification formula to make herself more attractive. "This formula will enhance my beauty and make me taller". "Are you ready to witness this?
I don't believe her for a second, I think she's lying. That only irritates her more."Oh you think I'm lying huh"? "Once I drink this, you're gonna be the short one little man. So she takes a drink from it and... nothing happens... yet. Couple minutes later she feels funny like she's about to grow taller but nope. That's not what happens. Instead, her vision dramatically improves and she doesn't need her glasses anymore. (She removes her glasses)
(First growth sequence)
"Wow I wasn't expecting that formula to improve my vision as well. Holy molly that worked so much better than expected". "Wait a minute, why didn't I grow taller though?". Few minutes later she starts feeling funny again and has a growth spurt of 1 foot taller. Now we're seeing eye to eye with each other. (No ripping of clothes yet, everything including her shoes just get tighter on her.) (Her breasts grow bigger here too) (She let's down her hair after she grows here)
"Wow this is incredible." "I'm as tall as you now" "How do you feel about that"? At this point, I'm kinda terrified. I don't like where this is going. "Aw what's wrong? You're looking pretty terrified". "Bet you weren't expecting me to grow taller right in front of your eyes".
(Second growth sequence)
(Feel free to add some height humiliation after she grows a second time)
Few minutes later she starts funny again. She's having another growth spurt. This time she rips through all her clothing including her shoes and now in terms of height, I only come up to her stomach. "Wow! This is amazing!" I wasn't expecting another growth spurt!" "Hah! Look at you!" "Who's the short one now huh?" "How does it feel to be the short one now?"
I'm terrified for sure now. I make a dash for the door to try to escape but she quickly blocks my path. "Where do you think you're going little one"? "Come back here, we're not finished."
(Shrink sequence)
"I have one more trick up my sleeve". I'm going to shrink you to the size of my feet." "Are you ready"? "And how exactly are you going to do that"? I ask her. " "You don't have any magical abilities". "Funny you should mention that" she says. That formula actually gave me the ability the shrink any person that I want to". "And guess who gets the honor of being shrunken down by me". "You, little one.
I beg and plead her not to shrink me and I even apologize to her but she's not buying a second of it. "You're sorry"? Bullshit. "Were you sorry when you were constantly picking on me"?
"Nope, too late." You deserve this."
She waves her hand, and i slowly start shrinking down till I'm the size of her feet. "How does it feel to be microscopic size"? At this point, she starts teasing me with her feet before finally crushing me with them. (Feel free to improvise more dialogue here)
(End of video)
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Alexis Nerdy Growth[HD]
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