Custom**Giantess/growth. no focus on feet during growth shots, everything else is fine. wear a button up shirt and jeans, bra and panties under that. No clothing destruction. With growing stretching sounds.
start with a quick introduction, pov like Im sitting down and Allice is sitting across from me. she's my older step-sister and we're both relaxing after work or something. she shoots some awkward glances/looks at me before she finally decides to make a move. she really likes me and she wants to be with me. even tho it's really weird, she just can't find another guy that suit...
Custom**Giantess/growth. no focus on feet during growth shots, everything else is fine. wear a button up shirt and jeans, bra and panties under that. No clothing destruction. With growing stretching sounds.
start with a quick introduction, pov like Im sitting down and Allice is sitting across from me. she's my older step-sister and we're both relaxing after work or something. she shoots some awkward glances/looks at me before she finally decides to make a move. she really likes me and she wants to be with me. even tho it's really weird, she just can't find another guy that suits her like i do. i reject her and she storms off, pissed, saying "we'll see" a day later, pov like Im standing a bit taller than her, she comes into the room in an oddly good mood and is apologetic about yesterday. making sure Im not mad, she says she has something to show me. she pulls out a small vial and says it's what's going to bring us together. she takes a sip of it and begins to grow. typical growth process for you clips. she stops being the same height as me and is excited, showing bragging about how Im not taller than my big step-sister anymore. when i act more nervous than excited, she takes another sip and grows to be over a foot taller than me; more growth shots, clothes getting very tight. now extremely confident with her new height, she begins acting a lot more flirty and playful, showing off how tall she is, cleavage in my face, etc. at one point she wants to compare heights, and pulls me really close to her to show off how much taller she is. Im still hesitating, so she downs the rest of the liquid in the vial, throwing it to the side and looking at me playfully. she begins to grow a lot, busting all the buttons on her shirt and the one on her jeans. she quickly strips down to her bra and panties and keeps growing until she has to bend her head not to hit the ceiling. now a pov segment where Im just below her navel, she asks me again to be with her. "I mean, where else could you find a girl like this?" she says as says as she shows off her navel by getting close. more flirting and showing off ass, tits, etc until she bends over and gets close to my face, saying it's time to see if i can handle having such a big step-sister. she picks me up and begins walking with me to the bedroom, ending the clip.
Feedback Hey, just wanted to confirm that i got the clip, it's amazing! you do really good work! Allice really played the part well, please give her my thanks! the part at the end where she started leading me around was perfect.