Custom** Scene 1: The video starts with Becca walking around the house, only to suddenly get squished by something. Can be a pillowcase or something lite like that. It presses down on her, leaving her squished. This position is shown by having her sitting down, belly folded into fat rolls. She looks a little dazed, perhaps a little cross eyed for a moment, and talks about how she has suddenly been squished and looks like an accordion! While in this squashed state, she slouches slowly up and down like an accordion (like in the links I sent you as an example). After a few moments, she is ...
Custom** Scene 1: The video starts with Becca walking around the house, only to suddenly get squished by something. Can be a pillowcase or something lite like that. It presses down on her, leaving her squished. This position is shown by having her sitting down, belly folded into fat rolls. She looks a little dazed, perhaps a little cross eyed for a moment, and talks about how she has suddenly been squished and looks like an accordion! While in this squashed state, she slouches slowly up and down like an accordion (like in the links I sent you as an example). After a few moments, she is able to unfold her self back to normal.
Scene 2: She is walking around and comes up to the cameraman. Please note, the cameraman never says anything in this video. She says to him: " Check this out! I have discovered something crazy! I am like a cartoon... I can get flattened and pop up like an accordion! Here... Squish me and see!"
We see the cameraman come up to her, and with one hand, pretend to squish her from her head. Each time she is being squished, she has a slightly cartoony dazed look on her face. We hear her groan a little, and with each hit, she scrunches up gradually until she is back sitting on the floor like an accordion. When she is finally in this state, she will talk lots in this scene about being squished. Lots of words like squiashed, squashed, flattened and mentioning that she is an accordion.
At this time she says to the camera man "here, play me!" and we see him press down on her as she scrunches down, and letting her stretch up and down like an accordion. Becca talks about what her belly looks like as it folded up. She invites him to poke her belly button as she slouches up and down, and she talks about how much deeper it is when she is folded like that. This accordion belly play lasts for quite a while, with lots of beccas dialogue about her talking about how squished she is. I would love her to groan a little at times as she is squished down.
Towards the end, I want her to say: "Ok, I have been squished long enough. Help me unfold back to normal!"
The camera man starts to very very slowly unfold her (with becca talking about being unfolded) but then slowly squishes her back down again, even lower than before! Becca, in a really squished up sounding voice, talks about how she is so squished and would rather pop back to normal, so the camera man agrees and slowly stretches her back up to normal.