Props: white satin plunge push up bra, prepped to look super worn, underwires poking out, staining (maybe grind into floor to stain and wear material) satin separating from cups. This bra will be destroyed. Other bras won’t be, just chucked into can for video.
Video outfit: tight pants or shorts, push up bra and tank. Hair up or pig tails if possible.
This video will feature Kira as my long time girlfriend and I’m her bra obsessed boyfreind. She’s talking to me and the bras in the vid. She starts video by explaining to me that she knows how obsessed I am with her bras especially the ...
Props: white satin plunge push up bra, prepped to look super worn, underwires poking out, staining (maybe grind into floor to stain and wear material) satin separating from cups. This bra will be destroyed. Other bras won’t be, just chucked into can for video.
Video outfit: tight pants or shorts, push up bra and tank. Hair up or pig tails if possible.
This video will feature Kira as my long time girlfriend and I’m her bra obsessed boyfreind. She’s talking to me and the bras in the vid. She starts video by explaining to me that she knows how obsessed I am with her bras especially the old dingy push ups from her younger years.. but her drawer is getting too packed and the old ones have got to go to the trash can today. Be teasey and girly, pull out your bra drawer and pull them out one by one, and show off the bra and how worn it is and tell it bye bye and tease me as you throw it in the trash about how it’s gone to rot in trash and never lift your tits again. Make you throwing it away visible and show them in the trash. I few bras you graciously keep for me and put back in the drawer. Then you get to the last bra in the back of the drawer, it’s the old white push up bra 32A that you used to wear for me when we first started dating that we affectionately referee to as the “boobie bra” Say how you can’t believe you still have this disgusting old thing. Show the worn material and small rips on the fabric and explain how this is from me pulling on it too hard during sex. And ask me if I cummed on it or something because it’s all discolored and stained. Smell it and laugh like what the fuck you did.. smile in shock and laugh when you realize I was obsessed with this one bra. Tease that your getting rid of it now.. but then tease me by saying your going to model this old dingy bra for me. Take off the tank and bra your wearing and try on the dingy gross bra. Show off how small it is now and tease that I’m so lucky your wearing it. Ask me if you should keep it around just for me. Pretend I say yes and be like okay I will.. then pull on the already ripped part of the cup and rip it more slowly.. tease me like ooooppss I’m soo sorry and continue to slowly multilate the bra while you wear it teasing me the whole time on how it’s getting ruined, find creative ways to fuck it up lol. In the end rip off completely put back on the original bra she was wearing. Pick up the destroyed bra and show off how fucked up it is. Tell me to say goodbye to the “boobie bra” is going bye bye. Then toss it trash. Show it in garbage