Custom* Two Witches Transform Arrogant Man into a Baby in Diapers
"Point-of-view" video. I was thinking that an arrogant man goes to a bar and chats up two women. They all end up back at their apartment, and the man foolishly thinks he'll have a "threesome" with the two women. In reality, the women are witches, who have decided they are going to put the conceited guy "in his proper place."
At first they “toy with him,” making him think that he is going to “get lucky.”
“We’re so lucky that we found a big, strong stud to bring home with us!” “Are you...
Custom* Two Witches Transform Arrogant Man into a Baby in Diapers
"Point-of-view" video. I was thinking that an arrogant man goes to a bar and chats up two women. They all end up back at their apartment, and the man foolishly thinks he'll have a "threesome" with the two women. In reality, the women are witches, who have decided they are going to put the conceited guy "in his proper place."
At first they “toy with him,” making him think that he is going to “get lucky.”
“We’re so lucky that we found a big, strong stud to bring home with us!” “Are you up some some real excitement, big boy? We’re going to make this a night you’ll never forget!”
Soon, they reveal that they brought him home to teach him a lesson. They tell him that he is immature and arrogant, and he treats women like "playthings," only to have his way with them and leave. They tell him he was raised wrong, so he needs to start over. When they tell him they are witches, he thinks they're crazy, and he tries to run away, but they use their magic to "freeze" him in place.
He is so scared, that he wets his pants. They laugh, saying that it is so appropriate that he wet his pants because soon, he'll be wetting his pants ALL the time! They tease him and toy with him- nothing too brutal. Finally, they make his clothes disappear. “Hmm. I think a change of wardrobe is needed here. He is so immature, I think he needs to be dressed according to his level of maturity!” The witches snap their fingers or wave their hands and magically dress him in a giant diaper. He is humiliated, but they laugh and tell him he'll "get used to it." “What’s that? ‘Don’t leave me like this?’ Aww... Don’t worry, we won’t leave you like that!” “I mean, we won’t leave you as an adult!”
He tries pleading and begging, but they just ridicule him, telling him that soon, the big macho man will be a tiny baby, and no woman is going to pay attention to him when he's little and sitting in dirty diapers! They tell him that pretty soon, his big, manly dick will only be good for peeing in his diapers! The witches laugh and notice a “tent” in his diapers. They tease him because it seems the idea of being turned into a little baby has gotten him “excited.” They tell him that because sex had been “so important” to him, they will let him have one last orgasm before they turn him into a little baby.
They can pretend to massage his erection through the diaper, and they tell him, “Mm... Even through all of that thick padding, I can feel you getting close. You’re not going to last too much longer!” Then, as they get him closer to cumming, they tease, “I can feel you pulsing and throbbing!” “Aww... Are you going to be a little BABY?”
Finally, he cums, and they tell him, “Hmm... Looks like Baby made a sticky little mess in his diaper. Well, you know what THAT means!” The witches cast a spell and tell him, “Now, you’re a baby!”
They laugh and tease him- not so "big and strong" now, are you? Now, you're just a little BABY who has to worry about keeping his pants dry! They tease him because his high-pitched, youngsters 18+ voice is begging them to stop, saying, "NO! NO! NO!"
The witches laugh at him and tell him, "Oh, I'm afraid it's, YES! YES! YES! You're little now, and no threat to women, but we think you need to be YOUNGER!"
The other witch agrees and says, "We really need to teach him a lesson! He needs to be a BABY! Too young to walk and too young to talk!" They cast another spell, and reduce him down to helpless youth. He is wearing a huge diaper, and he helplessly wets and messes it. They tell him, “Pretty soon, your adult mind will turn to "baby goo," and you'll have to grow up all over again!” “That is, IF we let you grow up at all. Some macho men never learn their lessons. We could just keep you as a little baby FOREVER!”
The witches continue teasing him and the laugh because they know his mind is regressing. One witch tells the other, "Aww... I don't think he'll be understanding us much longer." At that point, they could playfully tease and mock him with baby talk. “What was that?” “A buh buh goo gaa gaa? Sorry little guy, we don’t speak ‘baby.”
Suddenly the girls stop teasing as they notice a stinky smell. “Uh oh! SOMEBODY has a stinky diaper!” They laugh, “Aww... Did baby make a mess? Well, the spell is complete! Enjoy your life as a BABY, Little Man!”
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