It starts off with her in bed napping but her belly is fully exposed and she suddenly wakes up from a nightmare. She remarks about how some creatures broke into her room held her down while exposing her belly and dropping some kind of worm like creature onto her belly and it slithered to her bellybutton and burrowed its way in and into her belly and she then blacked out. Alice is about to get up and get a drink when she notices her shirt is torn (or unbuttoned if nothing is available) just like in her nightmare. She wonders if she did it in her rest and is about to get up but she's ...
It starts off with her in bed napping but her belly is fully exposed and she suddenly wakes up from a nightmare. She remarks about how some creatures broke into her room held her down while exposing her belly and dropping some kind of worm like creature onto her belly and it slithered to her bellybutton and burrowed its way in and into her belly and she then blacked out. Alice is about to get up and get a drink when she notices her shirt is torn (or unbuttoned if nothing is available) just like in her nightmare. She wonders if she did it in her rest and is about to get up but she's ...