Popping 15 Balloons Naked
My Rating:
Category: Barefoot
Runtime: 21 minutes
Date Added: 2/20/2016


While naked Leila Hazlett blows up 15 12-inch balloons while naked on her bed. She blows up the first one and then pops it with her feet. The next one she blows up and pops it by grinding her ass and pussy on the balloon. She then blows up 3 in a row and when she goes to pop them with her feet they pop instantly since she over inflated them. The next 2 she inflates a bit less so she can really step on them hard to make them pop. The nest 5 she blows up and also pops with her feet while her ankles are crossed and her bare feet arched. There are several camera angles used to show the balloons po...
Popping 15 Balloons Naked

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