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Caprice Wets Diaper Playing Videogames, changes to Pull-Ups
My Rating:
Runtime: 7 minutes
Category: Diaper
Date Added: 06/05/19, 07:48 PM


Little Caprice is being a bit of a brat in this video. She's busy playing videogames on her phone with her pacifier in her mouth and she doesn't bother to get up and use the potty like a big girl. Step-Daddy watches over her carefully, unsnapping the bottom of her onesie to monitor her diaper.

Caprice has to pee badly but doesn't want to stop playing so she just lets go in her Tena diapers, wetting herself consciously while Step-Daddy watches. When he checks her, she denies being wet and keeps on playing.

Step-Daddy is trying to potty train the brat, so he decides she's go...

Caprice Wets Diaper Playing Videogames, changes to Pull-Ups

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