We're both Diaper Bitches Now (Audio)
My Rating:
Category: Diaper
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 8/19/2020


In this very sexy audio from Kitty (BeGoodForMommy) You are trapped with your girlfriend at her lover's house after confronting him. He decided to put your girlfriend in little pink Huggies Pull-Ups and you into a Maid costume and a diaper!

Listen as Kitty explains how much she enjoys him being so dominant with her and you so pathetic. First he started making you wear her panties, then Pull-Ups and now she's about to change you into a full on pink diaper like the cuck loser you are.

Kitty tells you how she didn't mind wearing Pullups and she would've gone as far as wetting...

We're both Diaper Bitches Now (Audio)

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