THIS IS IN IPOD FORMAT!!!Our Curvy full figured housewife loves to wear skintight spandex as often as she can.
She thought it would be a great idea to wear 3 different types of spandex clothing while she does the ironing. These clips are full of ironing(lol) conversation and a little bit of singing from the spandex clad housewife. In this third part she wears her very tight pair of pink leggins with a silver leotard over the top. This clip is 10 minutes long
THIS IS IN IPOD FORMAT!!!Our Curvy full figured housewife loves to wear skintight spandex as often as she can.
She thought it would be a great idea to wear 3 different types of spandex clothing while she does the ironing. These clips are full of ironing(lol) conversation and a little bit of singing from the spandex clad housewife. In this third part she wears her very tight pair of pink leggins with a silver leotard over the top. This clip is 10 minutes long