You're wife is sitting on the couch as you come into the living room. You've just gotten home from work and it was a long day. You reach out to caress your wife's leg as you make a statement about how you've been thinking and its been a while. Confused as to what you're referencing, she coldly replies with how it hasn't been THAT long since you've been to work- you were just there yesterday. She immediately becomes sharp at the tongue and to the point, making clear that she is busy with the show she was getting ready to watch. Displaying a look of repulsion once your hand touches her leg ag...
You're wife is sitting on the couch as you come into the living room. You've just gotten home from work and it was a long day. You reach out to caress your wife's leg as you make a statement about how you've been thinking and its been a while. Confused as to what you're referencing, she coldly replies with how it hasn't been THAT long since you've been to work- you were just there yesterday. She immediately becomes sharp at the tongue and to the point, making clear that she is busy with the show she was getting ready to watch. Displaying a look of repulsion once your hand touches her leg again, she demands to know what you think you're doing. "I mean, you're acting like some sort of weird sex fiend" and "I'm trying to watch a movie" she exclaims. You inquire as to just how long it has been and as you come out with the fact that it has been months, she speaks at the same time, stating how "she don't know, it hasn't been long enough". Totally apathetic, she claims that sex is all you think about and wants to know just what is wrong with you. As you start to explain you have a lot of pent up stress from work, you reach out to caress her leg once more. She frantically pushes your hand away with a look of disgust saying, - "what are you, a frat boy"? With a very snotty tone she informs you that she is trying to have her alone time and watch her chick flick. You make another attempt at touch, reaching out to stroke her hair. To which she responds no differently than the former, but this time tossing insult for good measure, telling you how annoying you are. You inquire, with a bit of assumption, about her wanting to have attention too. Her reply is audacious and her facial expression no different, when she responds with the fact that you guys done that on your honey moon and that was "more than enough for her". You're a little confused, you ask if she really just gave up as soon as the honeymoon was done. Still being short with you, she's quick to scoff and say how she hadn't wanted to then either, but "I mean- it's what you do, right". You mention the fact of her making you skip out on the prenup and that now you have an idea as to why. Avoiding the answer you're looking for, she sticks with her nasty attitude and simply responds with the fact you are interrupting her watching Opera. You recognize that she is enjoying having a tv and make note that the whole reason she is even able to watch tv is because your job pays for it. She smirks about how you need to let her enjoy what you worked for, then as she rolls her eyes. Continuing on with watching the show, she giggles and comments on what kind of person Opera is. A little disappointed with your still being there she tells you to go away, that you should go to your man cave. You decide to show her a little project you've been working on. Quick to judge based off of appearance, she downplays the device that you have in your hand, but still wants to know what it is. A remote? What does the remote even go to? As she starts to assimilate surprise that you've said it actually goes to her, you waste no time in activating the first mode chosen. All of a sudden her usual callous is totally gone. As it should be, a bimbo is much more friendly and involved than what you get from your wife. She happily wonders why Opera is on the tv. Don't you want to go do something fun, she don't like tv. Then she becomes disappointed with what she's wearing, wanting to know where her sexy clothes are. With the push of a button, you have her talking dirty. When she goes back to complaining about her awful clothes, you have a solution. You press another button sending her into stripper mode. Minutes later she is naked and showing herself off to you. Now that she has become more cooperative, you tell her she should give you a little lap dance as you press the button to switch her mode again. She slowly shows you every inch of her sexy body. Wanting to get her in the mood, you put her in masturbation mode. No amount of time goes by before she is on the couch rubbing her pussy and moaning with pleasure. After enjoying the show for a few minutes, you suggest that the two of you go to the bedroom. This time the response you get is a soft, sultry agreement.