The referee finishes introducing Linda Lykopis and the fight begins. She immediately knocks the Skull and the referee counts him out. Linda stands triumphantly with one foot on the big man's chest and one arm raised in victory as the referee proclaims her the winner. Linda is wheeled out of the arena on a gurney just as big John predicted that she would be. The referee introduces Arrogant Angus and he boasts that he is going to humiliate his much smaller female opponent in the ring.
The referee finishes introducing Linda Lykopis and the fight begins. She immediately knocks the Skull and the referee counts him out. Linda stands triumphantly with one foot on the big man's chest and one arm raised in victory as the referee proclaims her the winner. Linda is wheeled out of the arena on a gurney just as big John predicted that she would be. The referee introduces Arrogant Angus and he boasts that he is going to humiliate his much smaller female opponent in the ring.