As the final story in the series begins, King Adolph and his two main henchmen are in hell begging the great god Odin to allow them to enter the Kingdom of Valhalla. But Odin derides them with scorn for having been defeated by women and that a woman's footprint is clearly seen on each man's chest. Odin restores them back to life and they are back on earth. The approach a farmer and try to recruit him to their cause with promises of beautiful slave girls and much wealth when they raid the land of the Amazons.
As the final story in the series begins, King Adolph and his two main henchmen are in hell begging the great god Odin to allow them to enter the Kingdom of Valhalla. But Odin derides them with scorn for having been defeated by women and that a woman's footprint is clearly seen on each man's chest. Odin restores them back to life and they are back on earth. The approach a farmer and try to recruit him to their cause with promises of beautiful slave girls and much wealth when they raid the land of the Amazons.