This series of second-camera highlights from "Action Lady Captured!" begins with our busty protagonist (Carissa Montgomery) in the clutches of the corporate spy Vibert. Dressed up as a sexy secretary in a miniskirt, fishnet stockings, high heels and a white blouse, Action Lady is securely tied to a chair and silenced with a stuffed cleavegag. As her bondage continues, a detective gag is layered over the stuffed gag, her considerable breasts are exposed and her legs are bound wide apart. 852x478 size
This series of second-camera highlights from "Action Lady Captured!" begins with our busty protagonist (Carissa Montgomery) in the clutches of the corporate spy Vibert. Dressed up as a sexy secretary in a miniskirt, fishnet stockings, high heels and a white blouse, Action Lady is securely tied to a chair and silenced with a stuffed cleavegag. As her bondage continues, a detective gag is layered over the stuffed gag, her considerable breasts are exposed and her legs are bound wide apart. 852x478 size