The American Damsels Network presents highlights from the classic sitcom "Always In Trouble." As the series begins, sexy '50s Hollywood starlet Cameron Dee is held for ransom by bad guys. The villains suspend the gorgeous blonde in her iconic white dress, stockings and high heels, and she's silenced with a "detective gag." The captive beauty struggles and moans, and soon her ample breasts are bared. 852x478 size
The American Damsels Network presents highlights from the classic sitcom "Always In Trouble." As the series begins, sexy '50s Hollywood starlet Cameron Dee is held for ransom by bad guys. The villains suspend the gorgeous blonde in her iconic white dress, stockings and high heels, and she's silenced with a "detective gag." The captive beauty struggles and moans, and soon her ample breasts are bared. 852x478 size