In "Lauren's Surrender" features anime-style heroine Lauren Kiley in the clutches of an unseen enemy. The curly-haired cutie is tied kneeling on the bed in her school uniform and heels. The feisty babe warns the evildoers they can't succeed with their evil plot, and she swears revenge. But her angry words are answered with a tapegag, and the adorable crimebuster is then compelled to have a humiliating orgasm while she struggles in vain to escape. 852x478 size
In "Lauren's Surrender" features anime-style heroine Lauren Kiley in the clutches of an unseen enemy. The curly-haired cutie is tied kneeling on the bed in her school uniform and heels. The feisty babe warns the evildoers they can't succeed with their evil plot, and she swears revenge. But her angry words are answered with a tapegag, and the adorable crimebuster is then compelled to have a humiliating orgasm while she struggles in vain to escape. 852x478 size