In an alternate universe, a private detective (Veronica Ricci) is given special permission to assume alternate identites to apprehend a criminal known as "The Chameleon" (Jamie Lynn). As the game begins, Veronica becomes a gangster in the criminal underworld. But the leggy redhead is confronted by a cop -- who turns out to be The Chameleon! The gorgeous criminal leaves the disguised detective hogtied and tapegagged. But despite this humiliation, Veronica is determined to bring her quarry to justice!
In an alternate universe, a private detective (Veronica Ricci) is given special permission to assume alternate identites to apprehend a criminal known as "The Chameleon" (Jamie Lynn). As the game begins, Veronica becomes a gangster in the criminal underworld. But the leggy redhead is confronted by a cop -- who turns out to be The Chameleon! The gorgeous criminal leaves the disguised detective hogtied and tapegagged. But despite this humiliation, Veronica is determined to bring her quarry to justice!