As the story begins, Agent Laura Lee continues training Veronica Ricci to be a field operative for a secret government agency. The next lesson for the gorgeous redhead is how to escape when tied up. Laura tapegags her student (shown onscreen) and Veronica struggles helplessly. When she fails, her busty instructor pulls up Veronica's turtleneck sweater and reveals her lacy bra. The novice spy continues her futile struggles against the tight bonds.
As the story begins, Agent Laura Lee continues training Veronica Ricci to be a field operative for a secret government agency. The next lesson for the gorgeous redhead is how to escape when tied up. Laura tapegags her student (shown onscreen) and Veronica struggles helplessly. When she fails, her busty instructor pulls up Veronica's turtleneck sweater and reveals her lacy bra. The novice spy continues her futile struggles against the tight bonds.