As the story continues, superheroine Lady Red (Kiki D'Aire) has been taken captive by the evil Draco. The buxom crimebuster has already been unmasked and mercilessly groped by her villainous captor. Now Draco subjects his sexy prisoner to the further humiliation of being to orgasm. Our brave heroine tries her best to resist the incessant hum of the powerful vibrator, but ultimately she must surrender to its irresistible buzz. 852x480 size
As the story continues, superheroine Lady Red (Kiki D'Aire) has been taken captive by the evil Draco. The buxom crimebuster has already been unmasked and mercilessly groped by her villainous captor. Now Draco subjects his sexy prisoner to the further humiliation of being to orgasm. Our brave heroine tries her best to resist the incessant hum of the powerful vibrator, but ultimately she must surrender to its irresistible buzz. 852x480 size