As this steampunk-inspired tale begins, an airship has been commandeered by a villain, and all members of the crew eliminated, save for First Mate Charity O'Malley (Lauren Kiley). The damsel asks why her captor would commit such a horrible deed, and he tells her a tale of intrigue and betrayal. The villain assures his prisoner that the only thing that will save her life is "The Eye of Infinity" -- a legendary diamond, and the secret cargo of the doomed airship. The bound lady has no choice but to surrender the treasure, and the villain gags Charity and flees with his prize. Left alone, Charity...
As this steampunk-inspired tale begins, an airship has been commandeered by a villain, and all members of the crew eliminated, save for First Mate Charity O'Malley (Lauren Kiley). The damsel asks why her captor would commit such a horrible deed, and he tells her a tale of intrigue and betrayal. The villain assures his prisoner that the only thing that will save her life is "The Eye of Infinity" -- a legendary diamond, and the secret cargo of the doomed airship. The bound lady has no choice but to surrender the treasure, and the villain gags Charity and flees with his prize. Left alone, Charity...