"The Case of The Animated Assistant" begins with private investigator Laura Lee roped into a classic tie in her bra and panties (and toe-tied too). She warns her captor to let her go, but instead the gorgeous gumshoe is cleavegagged. Her helpelss struggles compels the bad guy to add more rope, and soon the busty brunette is hogtied and an "X" of tape is added to her gag. She continues to squirm and moan, her enormous breasts are exposed, and her elbows are bound together. How will our damsel ever be able to escape now?
"The Case of The Animated Assistant" begins with private investigator Laura Lee roped into a classic tie in her bra and panties (and toe-tied too). She warns her captor to let her go, but instead the gorgeous gumshoe is cleavegagged. Her helpelss struggles compels the bad guy to add more rope, and soon the busty brunette is hogtied and an "X" of tape is added to her gag. She continues to squirm and moan, her enormous breasts are exposed, and her elbows are bound together. How will our damsel ever be able to escape now?