As this steampunk-inspired tale continues, Countess Martina (Martina Warren) has tracked down detective Angelica Saige (AKA Vivie Delmonico) and overpowers her while she rests. The gorgeous detective is bedbound and cleavegagged, and the notorious Countess uses a vibrator to try to extract coveted information from her helpless prisoner. But what will happen if Angelica surrenders her secrets?
As this steampunk-inspired tale continues, Countess Martina (Martina Warren) has tracked down detective Angelica Saige (AKA Vivie Delmonico) and overpowers her while she rests. The gorgeous detective is bedbound and cleavegagged, and the notorious Countess uses a vibrator to try to extract coveted information from her helpless prisoner. But what will happen if Angelica surrenders her secrets?