In "Blonde In A Haunted House," the titular busty damsel Mila Brite (dressed up in secretarial-style blouse, leather miniskirt, black pantyhose and high heels) goes to a spooky mansion in search of the pin-up and secretary from the previous haunted house stories. She's cornered and nabbed by a mysterious hooded figure, and our busty damsel is ballgagged and frog-tied (stocking-footed) in the study. She struggles and squirms against the ropes, but all her efforts are in vain! 852x478 size
In "Blonde In A Haunted House," the titular busty damsel Mila Brite (dressed up in secretarial-style blouse, leather miniskirt, black pantyhose and high heels) goes to a spooky mansion in search of the pin-up and secretary from the previous haunted house stories. She's cornered and nabbed by a mysterious hooded figure, and our busty damsel is ballgagged and frog-tied (stocking-footed) in the study. She struggles and squirms against the ropes, but all her efforts are in vain! 852x478 size