As the story continues, Agent Niki Lee Young is awakened by a visit from Sal Amanda, a sinister lizard woman. The wicked alien uses an strange device to temporarily paralyze the gorgeous blonde for nefarious reasons. While the lingerie-clad agent is immobilized and unable to resist, the scaly alien uses extraterrestrial technology on the helpless beauty for her own mysterious purposes. The lizard woman then uses another device to insure Niki doesn't remember this encounter -- but Niki's troubles for the evening aren't over yet! 852x480 size
As the story continues, Agent Niki Lee Young is awakened by a visit from Sal Amanda, a sinister lizard woman. The wicked alien uses an strange device to temporarily paralyze the gorgeous blonde for nefarious reasons. While the lingerie-clad agent is immobilized and unable to resist, the scaly alien uses extraterrestrial technology on the helpless beauty for her own mysterious purposes. The lizard woman then uses another device to insure Niki doesn't remember this encounter -- but Niki's troubles for the evening aren't over yet! 852x480 size