HD 1920x 1080 MP4 OUCH!! My poor mouth has erupted with painful sores due to my food allergy. I knew I should t have had that slice of pizza but it was just calling me I had no idea that that one slice would affect me so badly! These will take weeks to heal. I tried everything including straight salt but it hurts to much. Salt supposedly dries it out so that it can heal faster but i am a wimp and cant handle it. Wait maybe you can help me! I know something else that is salty but probably wouldn't hurt as bad and its only something that you can make! What do you say huh, if I hold my lip d...
HD 1920x 1080 MP4 OUCH!! My poor mouth has erupted with painful sores due to my food allergy. I knew I should t have had that slice of pizza but it was just calling me I had no idea that that one slice would affect me so badly! These will take weeks to heal. I tried everything including straight salt but it hurts to much. Salt supposedly dries it out so that it can heal faster but i am a wimp and cant handle it. Wait maybe you can help me! I know something else that is salty but probably wouldn't hurt as bad and its only something that you can make! What do you say huh, if I hold my lip d...