I had such a great time this weekend out at the lake boating for a great cause but the lake bottom wrecked havoc on my poor little footsies! Te are all battered and need a good pampering. Perhaps you can kiss them and make them all better? Im sure with enough kisses, licks and nibbles you can revive the life right back into them. Keep trying I would so much rather you do it than a stranger at the nail salon. Sigh well looks like ill have to go to the salon but I am enjoying you trying so keep at it for a little longer before I head to the salon.
I had such a great time this weekend out at the lake boating for a great cause but the lake bottom wrecked havoc on my poor little footsies! Te are all battered and need a good pampering. Perhaps you can kiss them and make them all better? Im sure with enough kisses, licks and nibbles you can revive the life right back into them. Keep trying I would so much rather you do it than a stranger at the nail salon. Sigh well looks like ill have to go to the salon but I am enjoying you trying so keep at it for a little longer before I head to the salon.