Synopsis: Amime Character, Manami Kinjou from Cat Planet Cuties comes to life in this video. Our Anime and Damsel in finds herself in real life wearing the same exact outfit as in the Animation but she is tied up and held captive. Unable to escape and tightly bound. She will be struggling trying to get free while not understanding why she was taken.. The big ball gag in her mouth is keeping her moans quiet for now but making her drool a lot. Of course she forgot to wear panties and her struggles will reveal everything!! Soon she re...
Starring: Anastasia Pierce as Manami Kinjou
Synopsis: Amime Character, Manami Kinjou from Cat Planet Cuties comes to life in this video. Our Anime and Damsel in finds herself in real life wearing the same exact outfit as in the Animation but she is tied up and held captive. Unable to escape and tightly bound. She will be struggling trying to get free while not understanding why she was taken.. The big ball gag in her mouth is keeping her moans quiet for now but making her drool a lot. Of course she forgot to wear panties and her struggles will reveal everything!! Soon she re...