Vampire Lair - Andrea Rosu
My Rating:
Category: Vampire
Runtime: 13 minutes
Date Added: 5/26/2021


*Moans* It feels like I've been resting for centuries. Wait....I haven't actually been resting for centuries, right?! Ok good!! I have far too much to enjoy be out for so long. You have done such a stellar job keeping an eye out, making sure no mortal enters my lair to harm me.

But now it's time to feed! And I'm intensely voracious!!

(Romanian) Esti a mea (you are mine). Sent ravnitor (I am ravenous). Am nevoie de tine (I need you).

You will sate me; I will feed on you as I ride and gyrate on your hard cock. I know this turns you on. I know how mu...

Vampire Lair - Andrea Rosu

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