This final installment begins with Angela having been left on the massage table...bound...nude and helpless with a vibrator tied and mashed into her pussy. Poor Angela has already been brought to multiple orgasms, but her sexually obsessed masseuse Randy isn't done with her yet. Sexy Randy strips out of her dress and climbs up on the massage table naked, spreads her legs and pulls out a slim pink vibrator. She rubs her juicy pussy with it, spreads her lips and sticks the vibrator into her pink pussy...until she makes herself cum. Angela's being vibed to ecstasy the entire time. Then Randy gets...
This final installment begins with Angela having been left on the massage table...bound...nude and helpless with a vibrator tied and mashed into her pussy. Poor Angela has already been brought to multiple orgasms, but her sexually obsessed masseuse Randy isn't done with her yet. Sexy Randy strips out of her dress and climbs up on the massage table naked, spreads her legs and pulls out a slim pink vibrator. She rubs her juicy pussy with it, spreads her lips and sticks the vibrator into her pink pussy...until she makes herself cum. Angela's being vibed to ecstasy the entire time. Then Randy gets...