Best toilet fetish videos in 2022! Have fun, darlings!
Public Diarrhea
While shopping at the mall, I feel like a giant wet brownie is coming. I'm terrified and run to the nearest toilet. When I sit on the loo, I break out with wet diarrhea, there are many shots, one after the other. FUCK! I can hear the sounds of conversation next to me!
Fountain from both sides
Angie can't walk, her stomach hurts. She stands over the toilet and feels pressure on his anus. She manages to sit on the toilet and a fountain of diarrhea bursts into the toilet. While throwing to the toilet, she feels sick and Angie changes her position, leans over the toilet and throws another fountain. Angie farts while emptying. She feels a little better, but is still sick.
Toilet chair top view
The fucking toilet broke again. I'm pissed because I want a cookie. I use a toilet chair and I explode, I barely have time. I attack the potty underneath and create a brownie pyramid. and farts, do you think they are what? they are loud and grossly nasty.
Stalker Angie
She mounts a hidden camera in her house, Angie didn't want to make a movie for her fan, in fact she is her stalker. Angie sits on the toilet and it explodes violently, her buttocks twitching and tightening as she clears the diarrhea. Yeah yeah yeah Angie has a goddamn bigeun, but that's only at the beginning.
When diarrhea sets in and bricks fall out of her ass one by one, she is surprised there are so many! When he spits out brownie, he also adds pounding farts. At one point, Angie shouts "is there anyone?" she has the impression that she is not alone and should be alone... no one answers.
So Angie goes back to farting and emptying herself. At the end, Angie sees that her belly is much smaller, she feels relief and satisfaction.
Desperation in toilet before wedding
scene 1
Angie is getting ready for her step-sister's wedding, stands in front of the wardrobe and chooses a dress. SUDDEN Angie feels a strong cramp in her intestines, she feels that she wants to "rush to the toilet". But it's trying to stop it because it's too late. Angie puts on her dress and feels the contraction AGAIN, no turning back, Angie runs to the toilet, the brownie is already leaving.
scene 2
Angie runs into the toilet, quickly takes off her panties, and sits on the toilet. Loud, thick and wet bits of brownie are thrown out from the inside. Angie torpedoes the toilet with her rotten cookies. Angje is pissed off and desperate because she is already very, very late. Angie adopts various poses to make the cake fall out of her as quickly as possible. Eventually, Angie quickly cleans up her private parts and runs to church for the wedding.
Together in the explosion
We are in my toilet together today, you accompany me while emptying, and you hear and feel that I have something to empty myself of. I am bloated with waste and gases.
When I go to the toilet, I can't fasten my pants! My belly is a huge balloon. I'm starting to drain a lot of gas down my jeans. Then he explodes into the toilet, more than once, not twice, not three, that's a lot, a lot! Bricks fall into the toilet one by one, I hear loud splashes. My farts are extremely strong and very, very wet.
He watching me
Angie is on a date with her lover in her house, they are going to have sex. Angie drinks, laughs, and has a fancy sense of humor. Suddenly she feels a gurgling sound in her gut. Angie feels awkward, but says she needs to go to the toilet.
Angie is in the toilet making noises and her visitor sneaks in and spies on her! She doesn't know anything about it. Angie is being watched.
Angie makes wet cookies many times, makes very loud noises, is embarrassed because she thinks her lover is waiting for her in the living room and hears what she is doing. Angie can't stop it and makes sounds. Makes a lot of farts and wet cookies. Then Angie wipes her ass, cleans through the toilet, and returns to her lover. But she doesn't know he has been watching her the whole time.