Walkovers in my cute dress, crushing fruits and vegetables with my full weight under my flat sandals heels and soles
My Rating:
Category: Crush
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 10/24/2017


Time for a feet My feet look so sweet and delicate, but don ́t trust them, they are terrible, merciless and big enough to crush anything without putting so much effort. You will check now how they can convert some varied fruis and vegetables into flat pancakes just letting their weight fall on them. I won ́t grind them, I won ́t twist or mess them, but just step on them with my flat black sandals, soles and heels.

To start with, after some slow walkovers in my cute sleeveless feminine dress, I will step on a pair of cherry tomatoes, one after another one. They won ́t be tomatoes an...

Walkovers in my cute dress, crushing fruits and vegetables with my full weight under my flat sandals heels and soles

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