MUST-SEE STATUS!! My highest production-value creation yet. Indulge yourself in pure decadence. See through the eyes of a servant boy (PoV) bringing bedtime tea to the Dutchess of Pornshire in her luxurious boudoir. The horny youth accepts her request to tie her to the posts of her own four-poster bed, where he then whips and gropes her, and fucks her until he cums.
MUST-SEE STATUS!! My highest production-value creation yet. Indulge yourself in pure decadence. See through the eyes of a servant boy (PoV) bringing bedtime tea to the Dutchess of Pornshire in her luxurious boudoir. The horny youth accepts her request to tie her to the posts of her own four-poster bed, where he then whips and gropes her, and fucks her until he cums.
In the first half you'll immerse yourself in the fantasy as you join the Dutchess for an extremely entertaining chat over Afternoon Tea on the balcony of the grand oak-panelled library of Pornshire Hall, softly lit by crystal chandeliers, discussing filthy forbidden fantasies with the enchanting Earl of Gray. This is a funny, intensely sexual extravaganza filmed on location at an aristocratic castle. Your enjoyment and pleasure is guaranteed. Bust a gut and bust a nut. ;)